We offer several options for high school students. If you’re getting ready to graduate and looking to start college, follow the steps on our New and Returning Students page. If you're looking for our Adult High School program or would like to earn your GED, visit our Adult Learning page.
If you’re a rising 9th through 12th grader interested in earning college credits while still in high school, visit our Career & College Promise (CCP) page or follow the steps below.
Step 1: Verify program eligibility with your high school counselor and review pathway information (College Transfer or Career-Technical Education)
Step 2: Apply to Craven Community College
Step 3: Complete CCP Handbook Signature Page and CCP Application (choose one below):
Step 4: Contact the CCP Advisor
Step 5: Prepare documents for advising session
Step 6: View New Student Orientation video.
Questions others are asking.
CCP, short for Career & College Promise, is a tuition-free dual-enrollment program that allows eligible high school students to earn college credits before high school graduation.
Qualified high school students can apply to CCP using the correct form at the top of this page. Students should check with their high school counselors for eligibility.
Students who wish to take core classes with CCP, such as English, Math, Psychology, must be a junior or senior in high school with an unweighted 2.8 GPA. Students who wish to take Career-Technical classes, such as Business, Cosmetology, Welding, are welcome to apply with below an unweighted 2.8 GPA as long as they are making progress toward high school graduation.
Please note that the following certificates are only available for Juniors and Seniors:
- Accounting: Small Business Accounting
- Criminal Justice: BLET Transfer Prep
- Early Childhood Education: Child Development
- Early Childhood Education: Introduction to Early Childhood
- Health Information Technology
- Medical Assisting
*Students are subject to high school transcript evaluation to determine CCP course eligibility.
Yes, homeschooled students are more than welcome to apply for CCP! Homeschooled students will follow the same application process as public or private school students, but will need to submit high school transcripts to ccp@cravencc.edu in order to register for classes. Homeschooled students will also need the enrollment form completely signed, like public/private school students. Usually, parents/guardians sign for both counselor and principal on the enrollment form.
Yes! Dual-credit will depend on your high school, but most classes will count toward high school elective credits at the 5-point GPA scale.
Students can also earn English and senior year math and science credits by taking specific courses. Please speak to an advisor for a list of specific courses. Dual-credit options for private schools and homeschool students will vary based on the guidelines set by each institution.
CCP advisors talk with each student to create a tailored schedule that will work with the student's high school schedule, career and college goals, and extra-curricular activities.
Prospective students can view the pathway information and look at potential class options before talking with their CCP advisor. The advisor will provide class options to students during advising meetings.
Eligible CCP students are able to enroll in one College Transfer pathway and up to two Career-Technical pathways at the same time. Students are limited to the classes in their pathway until the pathway is completed or until the student has graduated from high school and has chosen to stay with Craven CC as a freshman.
IEPs will not automatically transfer to Craven Community College. Students who are interested in academic accommodations must apply for them through Disability Services at Craven CC.
CCP is tuition-free for dual enrollment students during the fall, spring, and summer semesters. However, CCP students are responsible for course materials, such as school supplies, textbooks, lab fees, and ebook fees. Math and Science courses will have required ebook/lab fees, which will show up on the student's class registration. These fees must be paid within the payment deadline set by the college to prevent being dropped from the classes.
Financial aid through Craven Community College is only available to high school graduates. Students should reach out to their high school to learn about any funding options that may be available to them. Public school students in Craven County are also eligible to borrow class textbooks from their High School CCP library.
Students can pay their fees at Student Accounts in Barker Hall, located on the New Bern Craven Community College campus.
The required CCP enrollment form includes a FERPA waiver that must be signed by all parents/guardians in order to be accepted in the program. All CCP students have FERPA waivers on file. This waiver allows the CCP advisor to talk with parents/guardians about their child's grades, class concerns, overall progress, as well as general questions or concerns.
Craven Community College instructors are not required to speak to CCP parents, but the FERPA waiver would allow communication if necessary. Typically, any class issues/concerns should be brought to the CCP advisor's attention first so that the advisor may mediate.
Students are welcome to come to Craven Community College at any time to walk around and ask questions in order to feel prepared before classes start.
Yes. Official CLEP and SAT/ACT scores must be sent to Craven CC in order to receive course credit. Acceptance of scores and application of credit is determined by the Records department.
CCP students must send their official college transcripts to the university that they want to attend. Official transcripts can be requested online through the Records Department or by coming to Barker Hall on the New Bern campus. There is a small fee associated with either method.
Classes in the College Transfer pathway will transfer to the 16 public NC universities with no problem, but will be subject to the student's chosen major/academic plan at their university. Most colleges in NC will require that graduating CCP students apply for Freshman admittance, even with 23 completed college credits. Students are encouraged to reach out to their admissions counselor and advisor at their university to see how their credits may be applied toward their academic plan.
Please reach out to your CCP advisor once you have received the CCP Welcome Email. You can reach your advisor by email at ccp@cravencc.edu
CCP students must meet with their CCP advisor in order to be registered for classes. CCP students cannot register themselves for classes.
CCP students can watch New Student Orientation on our website.
All CCP students will receive a registration email which will include a PDF of their schedule along with the information needed to set up their Craven CC student accounts. CCP students will not receive this information until they have registered for classes.
CCP students will receive a registration email which will contain a PDF of their registration. This registration will include the class meeting times, locations, and start dates for both online and in-person classes.
Students can use the textbook look-up feature on the Craven Community College Bookstore website to find their required textbooks. Students will need to have their registration information with them to find course codes. Textbooks may be purchased from the Craven CC Bookstore or anywhere the books are sold.
Classes only show up in Moodle on the first day of the semester. Late-start classes will show up in Moodle when the late-start semester begins. If the semester has started, but you don't see your classes on Moodle, please email ccp@cravencc.edu as soon as possible.
Yes! CCP students are highly encouraged to take advantage of the free tutoring services provided by the Academic Support Center.
Grades will be reported at the end of the semester on Self-Service. Public high school students will also see their Craven CC grades reported in PowerSchool once report cards are handed out. CCP students can also reach out to their CCP advisor to find out their final grades.
Craven Community College students, including CCP students, are not required to have a parking pass. Students can park in any of the parking lots on campus. Please view the campus map to locate the parking lot closest to your class.
Students can bring a copy of their registration to Barker Hall on the New Bern college campus to have a student ID card made.
Contact Information
CCP Advisor – New Bern Campus
800 College Court
New Bern, NC 28562
CCP Advisor – Havelock Campus
305 Cunningham Blvd.
Havelock, NC 28532