There are numerous benefits available to veterans that can help cover tuition and other costs while attending Craven Community College. Before you apply to Craven, it is important to determine which chapter of benefits you may be eligible to receive.
Visit our Admissions page to apply to Craven Community College today.
Visit our Transcripts page for information on submitting your Joint Service Transcripts (JST) and other military transcripts.
Students utilizing VA are also eligible for financial aid. Please visit our Financial Aid page for more information.
Important Steps for VA Students
New Students
- Apply for education benefits at
- After you apply and receive your Certificate of Eligibility (COE), email it to
- If you have used your benefits previously at another school, you must complete an electronic change of place or program VA-22-1995 form found at (If you are using Chapter 35, use VA form 22-5495.)
- All official transcripts (high school, college, and military) must be on file to use VA benefits.
- Complete and submit the VA Request for Certification (RCF) after you register for classes with your advisor. This must be completed every semester.
Returning Students
- Complete and submit the VA Request for Certification (RCF) after you register for classes with your advisor. This must be completed every semester.
- Ensure you pay any outstanding fees at the Cashier's Office. The Department of Veteran Affairs will not pay e-book fees.
- Inform the VA office if you withdraw or change any of your registered courses.
- Apply for education benefits at
- After you apply and receive your Certificate of Eligibility (COE), email it to
- If you have used your benefits previously at another school, you must complete an electronic change of place or program VA-22-1995 form found at (If you are using Chapter 35, use VA form 22-5495.)
- All official transcripts (high school, college, and military) must be on file to use VA benefits.
- Complete and submit the VA Request for Certification (RCF) after you register for classes with your advisor. This must be completed every semester.
Degree Plans – Veteran Affairs
If you’re a veteran student, you must have a degree plan listed with the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). You should discuss your degree plan with one of our School Certifying Officials to ensure that all classes being attended are within that degree plan. It is a VA requirement that Craven CC’s School Certifying Official maintain a degree plan for each student’s educational objective.
View all degrees offered at Craven CC.
It is imperative that you follow these steps:
- In order to discuss a degree plan with an Academic Advisor, you will need to submit official copies of transcripts from your high school and all colleges you have attended. Failure to have a degree plan while pursuing your VA-stated educational objective can result in a delay of payment.
- Notify the School Certifying Official of all changes in your degree plan or schedule. This includes:
- Class cancellations
- Class withdrawal
- Schedule changes
Chapter Questions
Do you have questions about which chapter you're eligible for? While we cannot officially advise you on which chapter to choose, we'd be happy to speak with you about it and help you understand your options.
If you need official advising on selecting the chapter that best fits your situation, please contact the Department of VA Education Office at 1-888-442-4551 or visit
Contact Information
School Certifying Official
Student Services
Barker Hall
New Bern Campus