The LLC's enriching day trips allow you to enjoy new places and experiences while still sleeping in your own bed at night.

Opera Carolina Day Trip
The Marriage of Figaro
Sunday, April 6, 2025
Memorial Hall, Raleigh, NC
Registration: $219
Comedic capers and uproarious antics take center stage as Mozart’s classic opera featuring a battle of the sexes and the classes returns to Raleigh Memorial Hall. Follow Figaro, the cunning confidant, and Susanna, the sly servant, as they navigate a maze of matrimonial mayhem and mischief. With hilarious hijinks and a sensational score, the “greatest opera ever written” will have you rolling in the aisles!
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart composed The Marriage of Figaro in 1786. With its sophisticated music and multi-layered characterization, it’s a wonderful opera to enjoy today, as it encompasses universal themes of love, infidelity, forgiveness, and humor.
Day-trip participants will enjoy a continental breakfast at check-in, comfortable motorcoach transportation, premier seating, and a fabulous three-course gourmet meal.
Contact Information
Lifetime Learning Center
Brock Administration Building
New Bern Campus