The Craven Pamlico Re-Entry Council would not be possible without the leadership, vision, and dedication of Mr. Greg Singleton. His career at Craven Community College began as a Human Resource Development Adjunct Instructor in 2015. During his short tenure as an instructor, he rewrote two antiquated classes to 21st century standards and rebranded them as “Keys to Freedom" and the "Job Readiness Boot Camp.” These two classes prepared inmates for their return to society following incarceration.


After becoming Chairman of the CPRC in June 2016, Greg helped procure $450K in funding from the North Carolina Department of Public Safety in November of 2017 and 2018. September of 2018, the CPRC was awarded an additional $12K from NCDPS for hurricane relief (Hurricane Florence)—all on behalf of returning citizens from prison and jail. As of July 2019, CPRC is responsible for the employment of over 105 returning citizens from prison or jail. According to NC Commerce, this is a $3,150,00 annual savings for the State of NC. 

Square photo of CFA recipient Greg Singleton

In February of 2017, Greg became the full time Director of Community Workforce Readiness at Craven Community College while still instructing Key to Freedom twice a week at Craven Correctional Institution. In June of that same year, he implemented the Job Readiness Boot Camp under the Strive Train Earn Prosper (STEP) program. This nine-day program was designed to equip the unemployed, underemployed and returning citizens from prison and jail with soft skills to improve and enhance employment opportunities. Due to the overwhelming success of the Job Readiness Boot Camp, it is now a statewide program that is accessible to all 58 North Carolina Community Colleges. May of 2019, Greg partnered with the Craven County Sheriff Department and implemented an educational pilot program called Keys to Success for incarcerated females. 
Mr. Singleton continued to serve as the CPRC Project Manager until taking a new position as the Dean of Programs, Workforce and Continuing Education at Central Carolina Community College. He also serves on the NC Statewide Re-Entry Council Collaborative Legislative Implementation team and works contractually with Eastern Carolina Council of Government as a Regional Re-Entry Coordinator. 
Greg Singleton is a native of New York City, New York. As a youth, his family relocated to Aulander, NC. Greg holds a bachelor degree from Fayetteville State University in psychology, a Project Management Professional Certification from IT University and completed Paralegal studies in Corporate Law and Civil Litigation from Professional Career Development Institute in Atlanta, GA. Greg has worked in Corporate America for over 21 years in Telecommunication. His telecommunication areas of expertise are in Technical Support, Operation and Project Management. 

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