Several grants and loan opportunities may be available to you as a Craven Community College student. If you’re not sure which programs are best suited for your needs, be sure to contact the Financial Aid office for more information.

Federal Pell Grant Program

The Pell Grant is the federal government’s largest aid program and is awarded to students who demonstrate financial need, have not earned a bachelor’s degree, and meet the federal eligibility requirements. Pell Grants do not have to be repaid as long as you attend your classes for the enrollment period. Apply for this grant by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Once you have received a Pell Grant for 12 full-time semesters, or the equivalent, you will no longer be eligible for additional Pell Grants. This loss of Pell Grant eligibility is not appealable. If you are attending less than 12 credit hours, the Pell Grant amount will be reduced according to the number of hours attending.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant

The Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG) program awards grants to students who demonstrate the most need. Priority is given to Pell Grant recipients. This grant does not have to be repaid.

Federal Work-Study Program

The Federal Work-Study (FWS) Program provides part-time employment opportunities to eligible students to assist with costs of post-secondary education. FWS positions can provide students with training and experience in a chosen field, an opportunity to boost their resume, and help with identifying career options all while working around class schedules.

Eligibility is based on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 

The current pay rate for Regular FWS is $12/hour. For Community Service FWS, the pay rate is $14/hour.

Step #1 - Complete the corresponding year’s FAFSA. If you need assistance with this, please schedule a 1-hour complete FAFSA appointment. View the Financial Aid eligibility requirements.

Step #2 - Ensure all of your general admission requirements are complete.

Step # - Review the available FWS positions and apply.

Step #4 - Complete the FWS online orientation; link will be provided via Craven CC student email upon completion of application.

Step #5 - Interview for FWS position and complete paperwork if selected.

Step #6 - Start your FWS position!

If you have any questions, please email for assistance.

Jim Wrenn Emergency Loan Fund

Our college has been given funds over the years to use as educational loans for students in emergency situations. To quality, you must be, or have the intent to be, enrolled at least half time in a degree, certificate, or diploma program. You cannot be admitted as special or provisional, and you must have a cumulative GPA of no less than a 2.0 or a cumulative 2.0 average from high school or other colleges attended. You must sign a promissory note and make satisfactory arrangements with the Financial Aid office for repayment. This is a short-term loan (90 days or less) and must be repaid before the student can register for a subsequent term.

Childcare Program

We understand that going to school when you have children can be challenging and expensive. That’s why we offer funds for student parents to help afford child care while attending class.

Childcare applications will be accepted beginning on July 1 for Fall semester and November 1 for Spring semester. The North Carolina General Assembly appropriates funds for childcare services for student parents in community colleges, which is approved for one semester at the time. Single parents receive first priority.

Applicants must have demonstrated financial need; be enrolled at least half time in a college transfer, technical, or vocational degree or diploma program at Craven Community College; complete a FAFSA; and maintain satisfactory academic progress. Applicants must not be receiving childcare funds from the Department of Social Services, and care must be provided by a legal childcare provider.

If you’re interested, you must complete a Childcare Program application and submit a copy of your notification from the Department of Social Services documenting your application status.

If awarded, you will be notified by email to schedule an appointment with the Childcare Coordinator to review the award and sign the agreement forms.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Financial Aid at 252-638-7211.

Next NC Scholarship

The Next NC Scholarship combines the federal Pell Grant with state funded financial aid to provide a guaranteed amount of financial assistance to qualifying students with exceptional need. Qualifying students enrolling at a North Carolina Community College with an Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) of $80,000 or less and a Student Aid Index (SAI) of $7,500 or less, as reported on the FAFSA, are guaranteed at least $3,000 from combined federal and state aid.


  • Be a North Carolina resident as defined by North Carolina Residency Manual
  • Enrolled for at least 6 credit hours per semester
  • Enrolled in an eligible undergraduate curriculum program for the 2024-2025 academic year
  • Applicants must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
  • Meeting Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP)


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