
  • Attendance is vitally important and students are expected to attend all classes. Failure to do so can impact student grades, records, finances, refunds, and the ability to remain in the class.


  • Auditing a course allows a student to take a class without receiving a grade, academic credit, Workforce Development unit, or certificate of completion.
  • Course substitutions may be obtained by students for a required course that cannot be scheduled.
  • Final Grade Appeal process provides a student with a mechanism to appeal a disputed final grade, while respecting the academic authority of the instructor.
  • Grade Changes may be changed only after the student has checked for accuracy with the instructor, and upon written explanation and authorization from the faculty to the Registrar.
  • Grade Point Average (GPA) of 2.0 must be maintained to be in good academic standing with the College. If a student’s GPA goes below the 2.0 threshold for two successive semesters, the student will be placed on academic probation and notified by the College.
  • Incomplete grades are only eligible if a student has completed 80% of the course work and becomes subjected to some unforeseen event. Final determination and approval for an incomplete will be made by the faculty member and appropriate Learning Center Dean.
  • Repeating a credit course is allowed. A student may repeat the course as many times as necessary to receive a passing grade. Students who audit or receive a passing grade may repeat a course twice. However, all grades will be recorded on the student’s academic transcript.
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress must be maintained in the course of study a student is pursuing in order to continue receiving federal financial aid.
  • Withdrawing from courses may be done through the last day listed to withdraw on the Academic Calendar. Withdrawal from a course may affect financial aid awards, but does not affect a student’s grade point average. A student should first talk to their instructor and advisor to see if there is any way to remain in the course. If not, the student must request withdrawal from class(es) by contacting an Advisor. The Advisor will then process the withdraw request.


  • Graduation requirements by applicants who are obtaining their degree, diploma, or certificate must be met before the graduation deadline. Students must file a formal application for graduation prior to the deadline published in the Academic Calendar. The Registrar’s office verifies graduation eligibility and completion of all credential requirements.
  • Transcript and enrollment verification requests/transcript requests from other schools will be made available only upon request and receipt of $10 fee per copy to be paid by the student. Authorization must be received from the student for transcripts to be released to other colleges, employers, agencies or other third parties. Financial obligations to the College must be cleared prior to releasing a transcript or enrollment verification.
  • Transcript Evaluations, email Student Records (use subject line Transcript Evaluations) or call 252-633-0196 for questions or more information.
  • Credit by Examination-The college awards credit for APP, CLEP and DSST examinations based on the credit recommendations of the American Council on Education for comparable courses it offers. A maximum of 20 semester hours credit is allowed under the Credit by Examination policy.
  • Work-Based Learning I - Work-based learning allows students to gain academic credit through work experience related to the students’ program of study. This plan integrates classroom study with employment and is based on the principle that learning does not confine itself to academic achievement but is equally dependent upon practical experience.

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