Artist: Ray Kobald
Nationality: American
Date of Birth/Death: 1931
Medium: Bronze
Measurement: 84″ H x 28" W x 20" D
Year Donated: 2014
Ray KobaId is an American sculptor who lives and works in St. Charles, IL. He is interested in the American west and, in particular, Native American culture and tradition. Many of Kobald's paintings, sculptures, and executions in mixed media reflect this interest.
With a Native American influence, Ray's seven-foot tall fisherman sculpture, entitled "From the Waters Comes My Bounty," won the Bronze Foundry/Field Project sculpture competition. It was crMted for placement at the dam in Oregon, IL, across from
the famed statue of Blackhawk by Lorado Taft.
Kobald has been teaching, sharing, and inspiring generations through his art. His friend and fellow artist, Stan Jorstad, describes Kobald's work: "Through his many and diverse public installations and exhibits, the viewer is provoked into thought. If the piece is of a historically significant character, the reality of expression, hand positioning, and body language, all help to tell the story of the individual." Visit his artist website here.