The mission of the Office of Institutional Effectiveness (IE) at Craven Community College is to progressively contribute to the strategic planning, policy formulation, and decision-making processes of the College by advancing and providing timely and accurate quantitative and qualitative information, analysis and summary reports, and by providing leadership in strategic planning, institutional effectiveness, mission attainment, quality enhancement, and accountability. The Office of IE also assists College efforts in the following capacities:

  • Serves as a primary informational resource for the ongoing processes of institutional effectiveness and total quality management
  • Supports unit/center/department efforts at measuring student learning outcomes, completing accreditation studies, and assuring continuous quality improvement
  • Responds to administrative and faculty requests for information and as a resource for survey formulation, methodology, and assessment regarding students, faculty/staff, and other populations

Institutional Research

  • Advocate the use of longitudinal, comparative, and point-in-time informational data to support policy development and administrative decision making
  • Assemble, analyze, and disseminate institutional data and research reports in a proactive, objective, and impartial manner, and advance the quality and efficiency of information flow
  • Provide official data reports and survey completions to the North Carolina Community College System, Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, and other external agencies, while serving as a clearinghouse and assuring reliable and valid management information system data submissions
  • Support professional growth of faculty/staff in research, planning and assessment, fostering open and informed communications, analyses, and collaborations

Strategic Planning

Craven Community College’s strategic plan consists of several elements including: mission statement, vision statement, set of core values, and numerous strategic goals. The mission statement and core values identify who we are as a college, whereas the vision statement and strategic goals articulate where we plan to go in the future. The Office of IE helps facilitate these goals through the following measures:

  • Provide leadership and administrative support for the College’s multi-year and annual strategic planning processes, including development of component elements of the strategic plan
  • Provide demographics, external and internal environmental scanning, market research information, and other analyses to enable and advance strategic and operational planning
  • Further the efforts of units/centers/departments in formulating their strategic and operational planning goals and actions and in addressing program/process effectiveness and goal attainment

Program Review Plan

The College has adopted a Program Review Schedule which enables the assessment of each curriculum program and functional area of the College in a five-year cycle. The process enables examination of each program’s mission, demographics, outcomes, and trends, as well as proposed changes or improvements.

External Data Request

Any individual wishing to obtain data from the college must first complete the External Data Request form. Once completed, all inquiries must be sent to the Executive Director of Institutional Effectiveness.

Additional Information

Contact Information

Office of Institutional Effectiveness
Bosch Advanced Manufacturing Center, Suite 110
New Bern Campus

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