Our Esthetics Technology program only begins during the fall term and does not have a summer term.
Entry is competitive, and the program only accepts 12 students per year. Therefore, it is vital to complete each step of the admission process as soon as possible to ensure acceptance for the second phase: the esthetics package and the interview.
The esthetics package will be accepted from Jan. 1 through April 15.
Esthetics Technology program applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Complete the Craven Community College application process (application, submission of all transcripts, and completion of appropriate placement test if needed)
- Fulfill all developmental requirements prior to admission into the program (i.e., take one: DRE-097, ENG-002, BSP-4002, or ENG-111)
- Complete the esthetics application packet, which includes a cover letter, two recommendation letters completed by non-family members, and immunization records, prior to the last working day in June
- Attend an individual information session with a Cosmetic Arts faculty member prior to the end of the spring semester
- Upon acceptance, applicants must submit complete immunization history forms, including PPD test, Hepatitis B series, and tetanus booster
Submit completed esthetics package to Kim Ireland. Her office is located on the New Bern campus in the Kelso Building, Room 118. If Ms. Ireland is not in her office, please leave the esthetics package in the mailbox on her door. The package must be complete before acceptance. You will be notified via email within a week that we have received the package. If you have not received notification after one week, please email Ms. Ireland.
- January 1 through April 15 – Submit esthetics package
- Week of April 15 – Candidates will be contacted via email/phone to schedule an interview date and time
- Week of April 15 – Interviews (Once all interviews are complete, you will be notified on the decision of acceptance)
- If the program is not full at this time, we will reopen for additional applications.
Acceptance will be determined on a point system. The point system will include the esthetics package and interview. In case of a tie, GPA and prior education will be considered.