For beginning oil painters, emphasis will be placed on how to start a painting, work with oil paints and brushes, and achieve your desired results. For oil painters who have progressed, the emphasis will be on further developing your abilities to use oil paint to create original works of art. Each class will begin with a brief demonstration such as using additives in oil paint for effects, understanding why there are so many types of brushes, proportioning image references to use in paintings, and framing do's and don'ts.
Please Note: This class cannot be used for credit toward any of our degree programs.
Required Materials:
- Photo to use as your painting reference, such as a still life, landscape, or flowers
- Student grade oil paints* such as Winsor & Newton's Winton or Grumbacher's Academy oils. Tube size should be 37 ml (1.25 oz): Titanium White, Cadmium Yellow Light Hue, Cadmium Red Medium Hue, Chromium Oxide Green or Permanent Green Light, Cerulean Blue or Cobalt Blue Hue, Burnt Umber or Raw Umber (brown). *You may purchase a set that does not have these exact paints. NO water soluble paints.
- Brushes of various sizes and shapes: Long handles, White bristles (slightly stiff), Flat or Bright (squared ends) Filberts (rounded ends). Suggested sizes: 1/4" wide, 3/8" wide, 1/2" wide. Brushes for acrylic paints will work.
- Painting palette: Paper or wood types are best; Plastic is acceptable.
- Odorless solvent, odorless mineral spirits, such as Gamsol or Turpenoid, at least 16 oz.
- 2 clean, clear glass jars (recycled is good) with screw-on lids.
- Roll of paper towels
- At least one stretched canvas or canvas covered painting panel, 9"x12," 11" x14," 12" x 16"
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