Our Conversational Spanish class will help you learn to pronounce Spanish words correctly, with emphasis on vowels and certain troublesome consonants for English speakers. The course will address common tag questions and answers, learning kernel sentences with multiple interchangeable suffixes, and vocabulary building of essential nouns, adjectives, and verbs. There will be repetitions and drills of key phrases, as well as the opportunity to learn easy songs in Spanish as a means of increasing Spanish vocabulary.
In addition, the instructor will give short lectures on Spanish and Latin American customs, manners and etiquette. This will be complemented by short overviews of the history, geography, politics and religions of the region. At the conclusion of the course, there will be a voluntary outing to a local Mexican restaurant to practice ordering a meal in Spanish.
Please Note: This class cannot be used for credit toward any of our degree programs. If you have questions about foreign language requirements, please speak with an advisor.
Required Materials
Students should purchase a paperback Spanish-English dictionary or download a similar dictionary app for consultation.
Available Classes
There are currently no available classes.