Our partnership with the Craven-Pamlico Re-Entry Council (CPRC) provides a support network for formerly incarcerated individuals of Craven and Pamlico counties. Together, we provide guidance from the point of leaving the prison system to obtaining health care and family stability, re-entering the workforce, and becoming productive citizens. This initiative helps those who have served their time and paid their debts to:

  • Compete for a job
  • Attain stable housing
  • Support their families
  • Contribute to the community
  • Reduce crime and recidivism rates

The partnership will also help cover student costs related to housing, transportation, childcare, food and hygiene items, administrative fees, vocational/educational training, and school-related supplies and fees.

In addition, the CPRC is an instrumental partner of our Job Readiness Boot Camp, a two-week program that is open to anyone interested in honing job skills, including ex-offenders.

2025 Meeting Schedule

  • June 11 - Advisory Committee and Public Meeting - 12-1 p.m. at RCS
  • September 10 - Advisory Meeting - 12-1 p.m. at RCS
  • December 10 - Public Meeting - 12-1 p.m. -  Location TBD

Upcoming Event

April 17 - Freedom Dance - 7-10 p.m. - Stanley White Recreation Center

Craven Community College and NC Craven-Pamlico Re-Entry Council will host Freedom Dance to celebrate our justice-involved brothers and sisters who have successfully reintegrated into society and to motivate and support those currently navigating the process. This event will include haircuts by Craven CC's barbering department, an appearance by Craven CC's cosmetology department, a "best dressed" contest, and a justice-involved 250-word essay contest. Sponsors include NCWorks Career Center, NC Probation/Parole, Craven County Sheriff's Office, Craven County Department of Social Services, New Bern Police Department, Coastal Center for Hope and Healing, and Stanley White Recreation Center. For more information, contact Bonita Simmons at 252-514-4828 ext. 232 or Angela Wilson at 252-514-3189.

Executive Members

Angela JonesChairangela.f.jones@dac.nc.gov
Donald MurrellVice Chairdonald.murrell@oxfordhouse.org
Zeb HoughMemberhough.zeb@newbern.nc.gov
Reeshema WalkerMemberreeshama.walker@commerce.nc.gov
Angela WilsonCPRC Coordinatorwilsona@cravencc.edu
Gery BoucherIntermediary Agency Representativeboucherg@cravencc.edu

Contact Information

Craven-Pamlico Re-Entry Council
503 Guion Street, New Bern, NC
210 Vandemere Road, Bayboro, NC

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