In celebration of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) Week, Craven CC will host the following interactive events and activities for our community!

STEM Open House
Monday, April 7 • 5 - 7 p.m.
Volt Center, New Bern
High school students and families are invited to an open house at the Volt Center! Focus will be on clean energy trades, HVAC, and electrical. Tours are available.
Learn more about STEM Open House
Science: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone
Tuesday, April 8 • 6 - 8 p.m.
Perdue Hall, New Bern Campus
Kids of all ages are invited to an evening of hands-on activities celebrating the science of every day. Activities will include Solar Critters, Tiny Terrariums, Can You Taste It?, Fractal Building: the Menger Cube, The Microworld, and Becoming a Community Scientist. This event is hosted in conjunction with the NC Science Festival.
Learn more about Science: Everyday, Everywhere, Everyone
Engineering Your Future: NC State Engineering Info Night
Thursday, April 10 • 6 - 8 p.m.
STEM Center, Havelock Campus
High school and college students and families are invited to learn about local engineering opportunities, including Craven Community College's Associate in Engineering program and the NC State Havelock Engineering Program. Discover what engineering is (and isn't!), how it differs from other STEM fields, and the exciting career paths available right here in Eastern North Carolina. This event is hosted in conjunction with the NC Science Festival.