Craven Community College (Craven CC) and NC State University, in collaboration with local industry partners, will host "Engineering Your Future," a free information session to inspire and prepare local students for rewarding careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). It will be held Thursday, April 10 from 6 to 8 p.m. in the STEM Center on Craven CC's Havelock campus.
Designed for high school and college students and parents, this hands-on event will provide insights into engineering careers, educational pathways, and local opportunities, including Craven CC's associate in engineering program and the NC State Havelock Engineering Program. Participants will explore projects, visit state-of-the-art facilities, and connect with professionals to inspire and guide their journey into STEM fields. They will also learn what engineering is and isn't, how it differs from other STEM fields, and the exciting career paths available right here in Eastern North Carolina.
This event is sponsored by NC State Engineering in Havelock, Craven CC, and the NC Science Festival. Students and parents are welcome to attend this free event. Visit to sign up. Students must register by March 20 to receive a T-shirt.
For questions or additional information, contact Dr. Bill Fortney at or 252-444-3357.