By Holly Desrosier

The Craven Community College (Craven CC) Workforce Development (WFD) program is offering a wide variety of classes this summer to help students acquire job skills. This is a perfect opportunity for those interested in developing skillsets for a new career or enhancing existing ones for a current job.

As opposed to the more traditional degree programs, WFD programs provide courses that refresh or improve the occupational skills and knowledge of individuals at all levels of labor and management. They also offer services to small businesses and meet the training needs of new and expanding industries. No matter which career students choose, successful completion of programs can lead to licensure or certification and set the stage for a rewarding career.

The college understands that every student has different interests. Whether seeking a new career path or looking to improve skills through certifications and training, Craven CC’s WFD program has hundreds of options for a spectrum of skill levels, ranging from basic to advanced training. Classes are designed to fit everyone’s schedule: Most are offered year-round and can be held during weekdays, nights or weekends.

“Workforce Development programs are short, affordable and don’t require the student to complete a whole degree program,” said Robin Matthews, dean of workforce development. “They’re a great choice for anyone looking to obtain quality training and certifications in preparation for a competitive job market.”

Whether tinkering in the garage or obtaining career training, many students interested in the construction or skilled trade fields select WFD programs. Several programs, such as Welding, Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC), are accredited by the National Center for Construction and Education Research. This assures that students and craft professionals receive quality training based on uniform standards and criteria.

WFD also offers programs to quickly prepare students for jobs in the growing, high demand health care field. These programs are ideal for those seeking medical certifications in professions such as Pharmacy Technician, Veterinary Assistant, Cardiographic/EKG Technician and Physical Therapy Technician. Programs are also available for careers in emergency medical services, including paramedic training and Advanced Medical Life Support.

The College and Career Readiness program (formerly known as Basic Skills) provides assistance for adults in improving literacy skills and obtaining the knowledge and skills needed for employment and self-sufficiency, as well as educational skills necessary for parents to become full partners in the educational development of their children. Summer offerings include several Adult Basic Education classes: English as a Second Language, math, reading/writing and high school equivalency.

Basic worksite safety and training for advanced tools and equipment are also offered. ServSafe® Food Safety Management and CDL Truck Driver Training are among those offered this summer.

The college also has a WFD Online Course Center through Ed2Go. The array of topics range from Microsoft Word and web design to foreign languages and grant writing. Some popular employee training courses include Advanced Computer Skills, Employee Development and Leadership Development.

“Classes are offered every month and are six weeks long,” said Sandra McKibbin, WFD Coordinator. “We also offer series classes that are 48 hours and 72 hours. These are certificate classes and are all offered online. The students are able to work at their own pace, but must complete within the specific time period.”

Additionally, several courses are being offered on the college’s Havelock campus. This is an ideal chance for both military-affiliated and civilian students to get ahead in their career. Several of the same classes are available, as well as more specialized programs such as AutoCAD Essentials, 360 Degree Leadership, FAA General/Airframe/Powerplant and Aviation Sheet Metal.

Another popular course this year is Tools for Advanced Manufacturing for Veterans. This class teaches veterans and service members how to transfer military skills and experience to civilian careers in the manufacturing industry. Upon completion, participants will be connected with career opportunities in North Carolina and earn several certifications that lead to employment in various industries.

Anyone interested in learning more about Craven CC’s WFD program offerings is encouraged to call 252-638-7248 or visit A list of current Ed2Go classes can be found at

This article also appeared in the Sun Journal.

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