On February 26th, the Craven CC Transitions Academy toured the Nutrien Ag Solutions pesticide recycling facilities in Vanceboro, NC. While there, they learned how to mix and properly distribute fertilizer, examined the pot ash and potassium bins and discussed their importance in fertilizer mixtures, and then mixed their own fertilizer. They also read the results of soil samples they took in January on the campus of Craven Community College. Before they started soil sampling, they divided the campus into grids, labeled the soil samples accordingly, and sent them to North Carolina State University (NCSU) to be analyzed. Tommy Greene, location manager for Nutrien Ag Solutions, explained what each section on the grid was in need of, as per the soil sample results. Most of the campus needed nitrogen, and lots of it!

On May 7th, Transitions Academy students will take a tour of the Phytotron on the campus of NCSU. After a tour of the chambers, they will be given a tour of the greenhouses. Their unit of study this semester has been horticulture and plant pathology with concentrations in lawn and crop production, as well as weeds and insects that effect landscaping, lawns, flowering plants, and crops. This course of study has showed the students how to build leadership, communication, and business skills that are critical to compete in the 21st century and can be used in both school and work environments.

These tours and units of study will be beneficial to Transitions Academy students as they begin a new journey. When classes resume in August, they will have their own greenhouse on campus beside Perdue Hall, where they will raise flowers, vegetables, and conduct experiments to learn about topics such as the ability to manipulate environmental controls, plant propagation, and sustainable practices for soil enrichment and preservation.

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