Vickie Lahman is the first graduate of the College’s Associate in Fine Arts program. One of her paintings is selected for display in the NC Community College System office building in Raleigh.

Dr. Lewis Redd retires as Craven Community College’s second president. He serves as interim until July 2002.
Dr. Scott Ralls becomes the College’s third president.

The Havelock Campus, including the new Institute of Aeronautical Technology, is dedicated on Nov. 11, 2003.

Si Seymour wins the NC Community College System Staff Person of the Year award.

In December 2005, Craven celebrates the first 16 education graduates of East Carolina University’s Wachovia Partnership East program.

Craven Early College is established at the New Bern campus, and classes begin in fall 2006.

“Jane Stubbs Academic Skills Center” is named in honor of Jane Morrison Moore Stubbs and a conference room in honor of R.T. Rhodes.
The Lifetime Learning Center begins with Claude Monet as the central theme.

Dr. Scott Ralls resigns as president to serve as president of the NC Community College System.
Dr. Catherine Chew becomes the College’s fourth president on Oct. 1, 2008.

Construction of the Business & Information Technology (BIT) building and Bosch and Siemens Advanced Manufacturing Center is completed.

Check out other periods of Craven CC history
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