Employmnt Pwr Skills & Resumes


Available Classes

Course Register Dates Price
This course provides employability skills training for unemployed or underemployed adults. The curriculum framework and the content of the instructional materials will focus on the following: 1) assessment of an individual’s assets and limitations, 2) development of a positive self-concept, 3) development of employability skills (soft skills), 4) development of communication skills, 5) development of problem-solving skills, and 6) awareness of the impact of information technology in the workplace. Materials Required:. List of job experiences.Copy of current resume, if available.Flash drive.Access to a computer is encouraged but not required. The cost to attend this course is waived for most students. Please call us at 252-444-8204 to see if you qualify to attend at no cost.
Meeting times and locations:

03/11/25 - 04/03/25
Tue, Thur 5:30p - 8:30p
Redd Classroom Bldg , Room 00115

Sat 03/22/25 12p - 3p

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